1. INTRODUCTION: This is a demonstration version of AutoMate/PRO. It will run AutoCAD for 15 minutes before suspending digitizer input to AutoCAD. You will be warned at about the 13 minute mark via a dialog box that you have only several minutes left. Upon completion of the demonstration, another dialog box will inform you that you do have keyboard control as a means of exiting AutoCAD. This should be extracted into it's own directory so that you can easily remove it later (for example c:\automate). 2. QUICK INSTALL FOR AUTOCAD R12 USERS: If you have AutoCAD Release 12, you can begin running AutoMate/PRO by: - Copying VMIDEMO.EXE to its own directory. Ex. C:\AutoMate - Change to that directory and type VMIDEMO to extract files. - Adding the Automate directory to the ACADDRV environment variable, ie. SET ACADDRV=C:\Automate;C:\ACAD12\DRV (if ACAD12 is installed in root directory on C: called ACAD12). - Starting AutoCAD with acad -r - Selecting AutoMate/PRO ADI 4.2 from the configuration menu (choice 3 - video drivers to bring up list). 3. HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY: A. Computer - DOS-based 386 or 486 PC with 640K base memory plus a minimum of 4-Megabytes Extended memory. More extended memory is preferred especially for AutoCAD 12. If you are working with large drawings (1 Meg or more) then we recommend that you have a minimum of 8-Megabytes of Extended memory. You should also have a minimum of 5-Megabytes of free disk space on the hard drive that you are using for AutoCAD swap files. B. Graphics Card - This version of AutoMate/PRO is compatible with the fol- lowing types of Graphics Adapters: a. Tseng Labs ET4000 based Super VGA cards. b. S3 based Super VGA cards. c. ATI Ultra or Ultra/PRO d. Compaq QVision e. Video 7 VRAMII f. Standard IBM compatible VGA cards (640 x 480 resolution). g. 100% VESA compatible Super VGA cards (256 color modes only). h. 100% TIGA (Version 2.0 or greater) compatible graphics cards. 4. SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITY: This demonstration version of AutoMate/PRO is compatible with the following Autodesk applications: A. AutoCAD 386 Release 10_c10 B. AutoCAD 386 Release 11 C. AutoCAD 386 Release 12 D. AutoCAD 12's AVE-Render 5. INSTALLING AutoMate/PRO for DOS v8.10 demonstation version: To begin the AutoMate/PRO software installation: a. Copy VMIDEMO.EXE to its own directory. Ex. C:\AutoMate b. Change to that directory and type VMIDEMO to extract files. c. Next you will need to set environment variables used by AutoCAD. These settings may be stored in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or .BAT file used to start AutoCAD. Actual settings depend on the version of AutoCAD in use: Attention AutoCAD 12 users: ---------------------------- The AutoCAD environment variable "ACADDRV" must be set (as shown in the example below) to tell AutoCAD 12 where to find the AutoMate/PRO Display/Rendering driver and the Digitizer and Plotter drivers. SET ACADDRV=C:\ACAD12\DRV;C:\AUTOMATE CAUTION !!!! If you have multiple "SET ACADDRV" statements, the last one executed will override any previous ones. Attention AutoCAD 11 or AutoCAD 10_c10 users: --------------------------------------------- The AutoCAD environment variable "DSPADI" must be set (as shown in the example below) to tell AutoCAD the name of and where to find the AutoMate/PRO Display driver. SET DSPADI=C:\AUTOMATE\AUTOMATE.EXP d. After you have completed the installation, re-boot your system so that the changes in Autoexec.bat will take effect. If you are using a batch file (i.e. ACAD386 or ACADR12) to start AutoCAD make sure the batch file contains all the commands required for loading AutoMate/PRO. e. Start AutoCAD with the -r switch, to configure AutoCAD to use the AutoMATE/PRO for DOS v8.10 ADI 4.2 driver. Select AutoMate/PRO - 4.2 display/rendering driver from the list of choices in the video driver menu.